Back to School & Back to Fitness!

Plymouth fitness 123014-5148One more week…just one more week and the kids go back to school! The summer has flown by. It’s funny how two months of constant snow feels like an eternity, but two gorgeous months of sunshine is just a blink.
I don’t know about you, but summer is such a hard time for I know that doesn’t make sense. There are more activities, you can be outside, summer is synonymous with fitness. Well, even though that may be true for some, I find it hard to leave the beach to go to the gym and, well, diet it awful. I know, I know…go outside and grill, but it’s not the grill that is the problem…it’s the carb laden additions. Hot dog (no bun), burger (no bun), pasta salads, chips, dips…and then add beverages (of the adult nature)…ugh!!! I know for some it’s easy to just say..don’t eat or drink the bad stuff. I wish it was that easy!
Thank goodness the kids will be heading back to school and there will hopefully be more routine. Along with more structure and planned meals. Once there is more of a set schedule, I can plan my workouts and my food better. I will still have to fight the carb fight, but it should be easier. Of course then we go into the holidays….ugh, it’s never ending.