Kicking it Up

IMG_5071I am not sure about the rest of you – but working out on vacation doesn’t always get to the top of my priority list. I won’t sit here and say that I “crushed it”. However, I am proud to say that I did stay active.

My first session after returning from vacation was not my finest moment. If you can imagine a seal laying on a California beach – that would be what I resembled on the turf near the Art of Strength Equipment and nothing Nate was going to do was going to change that. As I stared up at the ceiling, trying to detox all the m&m’s of vacation out of me, I realized something needed to change. Since then, which really is the BEST part – motivation struck. Honestly, I am not even sure how to describe it. It might be that “summer is coming” or simply that I was sick of dancing around the injured parts of myself.  I wanted to get STRONG. I wanted to see the MUSCLES. I wanted to feel STRONG. Granted, we are still extra careful with my workouts. However, the intensity has been kicked up several notches. It wasn’t that I couldn’t handle it – it was more that mentally I was nervous that I would re-injure myself. I am well aware of my limitations but each session I continue to PUSH myself further and further. As I learn new exercises, I am continually reminded that I am not the most coordinated human in the world. I have proceeded to trip myself with a jump rope falling like a tree, whack myself in the head, fall off the exercise ball, and generally guaranteed to make one fairly embarrassing klutzy maneuver per session.

The immense progress is not only noticeable for me but for outsiders and people who have seen my journey here in the last year or so.

Stay tuned, folks.

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