Fitness at Home

Thanks to lots of hard work by our intern, Tim Bessette from Rising Tide Charter School, here is a large selection of exercises that can be done just about anywhere…at home, at the park, in the backyard, etc.  It’s FITNESS AT HOME powered by Plymouth Fitness!  Make sure to select your movements appropriately by Beginner, Intermediate or Advanced.


(Advanced): Skull Crushers

Grab onto a bar and begin at an incline position. Have your palms facing away from your body with a narrow grip. Keep your hands close together and elbows pointing down. Lower your body down until your head is underneath the bar. Then push yourself back up to starting position.


(Beginner): Regular Push Ups

Start out in a plank position and keep your toes pointed to the ground. Extend out your arms slightly shoulder width apart. Keep your butt and back straight throughout the movement. Face forward and lower your body until your chest almost hits the ground. Push back up and pause at the top.

(Intermediate): Wide Push Up

Begin in a plank position and have your arms extended out. Place your hands out wider than shoulder width. Make sure that there’s no curvature to your back. Don’t have your butt too low or too high. Face forward as you lower yourself. Your chest should almost hit the ground. Push back.

(Beginner): Shoulder Taps

Begin in a plank position with your arms underneath your shoulders and feet spread out hip-width apart. Bring your right or left hand to the opposite shoulder. Tighten your core and clench your butt as you engage in exercise to stabilize yourself.

(Intermediate): Pull Ups

Grab onto the bar with your hands shoulder width apart and palms facing away from your body. Pull yourself up and keep your back straight, while sticking your chest out. Bring your chin past the bar and slowly lower yourself back to neutral position. Keep your core tight the whole time.

(Beginner): Jump Chin Up Negatives

Jump onto the bar and set your arms wider than shoulder width apart. Have your palms facing towards your body. Pull yourself up and keep your torso straight, while sticking your chest out. Keep your elbows close to your torso. Bring your head to bar level and slowly lower yourself, until your feet touches the ground. Use a box to elevate you if you need assistance to reach the bar.


(Advanced): Bulgarian Split Squat

Find yourself a bench or an elevated surface that’s about knee high. Get into a forward lunge position and with your back foot, place it on the bench or surface. Tighten your core, and square off your body during the movement. Lower your body until your front leg is perpendicular. Make sure your torso is upright and don’t hyperextend your knees. Then push back up through your heels.

(Advanced): Commando Pull Ups

Stand underneath a bar and face the end of the bar. Bring one of your hands to one side of bar and other hand to the other side. Place your hands about an inch away from each other. Pull your body up to one side of your arms until your shoulder touches the bar. Slowly lower yourself down and alternate arms.

(Beginner): Jump Pull Up Negatives

Jump onto the bar and set your arms shoulder width apart. Keep your arms shoulder width apart and have your palms facing away from your body. Pull yourself up and keep your torso straight, while sticking your chest out. Bring your head to bar level and slowly lower your self, until your feet touch the ground. Use a box to elevate you if you need assistance to reach the bar.

(Advanced): Wall Plank

Face away from a wall and get into a push up position. Walk your feet up the wall until your body is completely parallel to the ground. Do not bend your elbows, keep your core tight and hold position.

(Intermediate): Tip Toe Wall Sits

Place your back flat against the wall while bending your knees at a 90 degree angle. Set your feet shoulder width apart. Hold your position as you concentrate on your core. Push off your tiptoes while you keep a straight back.

(Intermediate): Diamond Cutter Push Ups

Get into a push up position and bring your hands close in together so that they form a diamond. Lower your chest to the ground and while having a flat back. Push back up and have arms parallel to the ground.

(Intermediate): Pike Push Ups

Begin in a push up position on the floor and have your arms shoulder width apart. Lift up your hips and keep your arms and legs straight as possible. Bend your elbows and lower yourself to the ground until your head almost hits the ground. Then push yourself back up.

(Intermediate): Low to High Planks

Get into a plank position and plant your hands underneath your shoulders. Tighten your abs and clench your glutes to stabilize yourself. Lower your body and have your forearms on the ground. Have elbows aligned to your shoulders. Push back up and repeat movement several times.


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